The Army

The Army

Monday, August 18, 2014

40% Brave

I've been reading The Cure for the "Perfect" LIfe, 12 Ways to Stop Trying Harder and Start Living Braver, by Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory.
As you can see from the cover, it is help for those of us whose icing has slipped off our matter how perfect we want them to look (Perfectionism), how many we offered to make for the bake sale (Performancism), because we are just want others to be happy (People-Pleasing), OR how last minute we waited to bake them (Procrastination). Notice a "P" theme there? Those are the "P-bullies" and this book (unlike the pretty pink icing) is anything but fluff for dealing with them.

While I have struggle with all four of the "P-bullies" there are two that this book has really enlightened me on dealing with, primarily Perfectionism & Procrastination. I'm sure my friends are laughing at that "admission", as I've always made my procrastination a joke. But a lot of the so-called procrastination I joke about is more reflective of the crazy life I live as a single mom of 3 (at home) kids who works, is finishing a degree and writes.  I have to be very careful to give my children the time they need and manage all I need to complete by various deadlines. It's my "Ecclesiastes" approach....there is a time for everything under heaven.  Sometimes the best time to finish that paper is the day/night before it's due because of other priorities.
But the Procrastination Bully really hits me hard when I put things off when I know I can't get them Perfect. As in, "There's no way I can slug through my daughter's room to help her put toys and clothes away in the time I have. I'll do it tomorrow (next week, next weekend, after school starts, etc.)" And do you think it ever gets done? Absolutely not, because I don't have time to do it to perfection so I put it off, and put it off until it becomes a new monster living in the precious space left in my head not dedicated to my kids picky eating habits and the lyrics to You Are My Sunshine.
Here's what The Cure says about Procrastination, "Procrastination is sly. He never says, 'I'm not going to let you do this." No, he takes a much more subtle approach. "Oh, you most certainly are going to do this. I know you will. You know you will. But now is not the right time. You certainly can't do it right now!"

 It's like Kathi & Cheri had a little recorder right in that cramped brain space of mine. 

They go on to write that each project has it's "last minute" that is when procrastination leaps into activity motivated by fear. The Procrastination Bully has us beaten when we buy into his thinking that we can be truly motivated only by fear. (paraphrased)

Cheri remind us of what God says in 1 John 4:18, "Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love." (NLT)
And in the chapter titled, "Perfect is for Pinterest" (who can't get behind that?) she shares the verses 24-30 of Matthew 25, better known as the Parable of the Talents. Read over it and see if you don't agree that "it is an illustration of the fear of not being perfect keeping us from doing what God wants us to do."  Sometimes I avoid doing things out of fear of not being perfect, but there are those times I do something out of fear as a result of procrastinating.
But what I am learning is recognizing these Bullies for what they are and learning the tools to combat them and lean in closer to God and his perfect love.

I want to invite you on this trip with me. Here's a few ways you can do that.
First join us on Facebook at: Tiny Act of Rebellion, purchase the book (here's just one place) Barnes & Noble and while you anxiously await for it to arrive you can get started with Chapter 1.

You don't need to be 100% brave, 40% is enough to get started!

I am just one little, tiny piece of this launch team, please check out all the other great posts by women who've been changed by The Cure for the "Perfect" Life. The Cure Blog Tour

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Importance of Serving Others

By serving you will change the world....
that of the ones you serve & your children's

     Single parents are probably one group in our society that many would give a "get out of serving" free card to. But there are several reasons why we, as single parents, should skip on the free pass and jump in to help others.  

    Today, we hear many complaints about entitled or spoiled children. There is something uniquely different about the culture our children are growing up in compared to our generation. What is this difference? I don't have research backing this up, but the thought has occurred to me that as the American divorce rate has risen so has the epidemic of entitled children. 
     This relates in one of three ways. First scenario is mom gets custody, while dad gets weekends and vacations. Guess where the kids have more fun? Guess who feels guilty about not being with their kids more often? We've all heard the term "Disney Dad". While the kids may certainly enjoy the time & bonuses in this scenario, it's easy for them to feel that is how things should be. Second scenario is parents may have equal custody but the child has learned that everything is not equal and "to work the system". You may hear things like, "But I have an Ipad at Dad's house" or "Mom let me have a kitten."  The child(ren) work this well! Or the third scenario, maybe mom or dad is on their own with the kids and after a long week of school and work, the guilt sets in over lost quality time and a little indulgence is bought to show how much we love those little ones we barely saw that week.
     I find my self just shaking my head in my own little guilt trip once in  awhile. We went from being a family with a stay-at-home mom & homeschooling where I could spend all the time in the world with my kids to it being just me, working and school 40-50 hours a week...sure you can have that piece of candy I just want to see your little face light up today. My kids rock the check-out lane like a boss. Or the $5 movie bin, they know if they can agree on a single movie, it's coming home with us.  While these little goodies are not bad in and of themselves, it's the child's attitude in receiving & the parent's attitude in giving we need to examine.

We all know this adorable, selfish little girl from Willy Wonka.
No one wants their child to be the "Bad Egg"

     How does all this relate to serving?  I believe serving others, especially WITH our children is crucial in building the right attitude of giving & receiving. 
    Many of my single parent friends are the most generous with their time, money and other resources that I know. I believe the reason for this is because we know what it means to do without or be short-handed in some aspect, and strive to relieve that burden from others. But what can we do if we look at serving as a vital & intentional aspect of our parenting? Especially if you are combating one of the scenarios I mentioned?
     For adults and children, serving provides a visible reminder that no matter how bad they have it, they are gifted in a way someone else could benefit from. Each one of us has God-given talents that make us unique, using them to help others builds confidence and self-esteem.
     For children, it also teaches them the differences in "wants" and "needs". Wanting ice cream at the store is much different when they realize that some children need food for dinner. Or wanting that new pair of special jeans when they have 5-10 other pairs and knowing another child needs what they have so many of. Or in my world..."Jonah, put the candy back, do you realize there are some children who have never had a Reese cup, what can we use that $1 for instead?" 
   I know many of you may say, "What can I do with my kids? What does this look like in the everyday?"
There's so many things you can do! And some have great lessons that you can talk about with your kids that are unique to that opportunity. While I've done many things with my kids, I polled Facebook (because you know that's where all great research comes from) and compiled a list unique to the Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area, though many have counterparts in other cities. Please use this as a jump off point, focus your efforts on organizations that are near you, or have special meaning to your family.  And go as big or little as you can manage, just get started! 

     My favorite means of doing for others is Operation Christmas Child. We have been participating in packing shoe boxes since 2008 when I was introduced to this ministry via our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group. Over 100 million shoe boxes have been packed and sent to children who often don't have anything that belongs just to them. Paired with a Gospel tract & follow up ministry this is a very simple, yet life-impacting means to get your children involved in the life of another child. In our house, because of my tight budget (and lesson to be taught), our OCC shoe box items come out of our entire Christmas budget. My kids get less so another child can have something. The kids love picking out items for another child in their age range & seeing how much they can get stuffed in that box. We pray for the child that will get it, and if I'm organized enough we add a short pen pal type letter about our family. We occasionally get wonderful letters from one of the children who has received a box. Nothing beats that experience! Samaritan's Purse, the organization that runs OCC also helps with disaster relief & has a shoe box processing center in North Carolina that runs by volunteers. More information on all aspects are listed at the link above. 
    Another, Lifeline Ministries, serves the Northern Kentucky area. They provide help in many ways and accept food, clothing & furniture donations. And they have many ways you can help, either through donations or on site, so there are several things you can do with your children to help those in the community with less. I urge you to check their site for specific ways you & your children, depending on their ages can assist. This is often where our outgrown clothing & unused household items go. I would much rather know it is given to someone that needs it than for someone to be charged for at a thrift shop that makes a profit. 
    Hands Against Hunger is another outlet located in Cincinnati that is dedicated to serving the needs of those hurting. They gladly welcome families, groups, teams or individuals during Packing times. They make specially designed food packages that meet daily nutritional requirements that are sent to areas lacking resources to adequately feed themselves. Their site has a whole section of how you can volunteer & when their Packing events are scheduled. Our family did a packing event with my daughter's AHG group and had so much fun. 
Matthew 25 Ministries lists specific times & guidelines for children volunteers. Everyone works on sorting, counting & packaging donations to be sent to locations all over the world. 
Other suggestions from my official Facebook poll were: Rose Garden Mission in Covington, Ky., Master Provisions (both with service opportunities that children can take part in) as well as ideas for finding something yourself. These included: Nursing homes, where residents love visitors to talk with, do crafts, sing or a movie night. Shut-ins (elderly) or others in need could often use help with yard and/or various house work. Pastors & other church leaders could also use practical help while they are serving others, they often get overlooked.  Homeless shelters are always in need of supplies and other help, and unfortunately there are many to choose from. Fundraisers, like lemonade stands, candy bars, etc. are great ways your kids could work to raise money for any of the organizations listed.  
Members from our church including myself
& my two middle children.
We painted, sorted clothes, pull wire through walls,
 cleaned and helped build a playground. 

You may be more creative depending on your  circumstances, availability and interests of the kids. We've even used our vacation time & money in previous years to do a mission trip in Oneida, Ky where my kids could do little things alongside the adults. 

   Thank you to all my professional assistants on Facebook & friends at Single Parent Link
