The Army

The Army

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Strange 3 weeks, but not the strangest

The weather continues to twist every plan I've made in the last couple weeks. We had snow day #12 on Friday, although the snow didn't start until flurries showed up around 3pm. I know parents all over the county are on the verge of being on the local news for something horrendous, but perfectly understandable to anyone with more than 2 children that have lived through this winter.
To top the school cancellation madness, 2 of my 3 have had on & off again stomach aches, (with & without vomiting) missing odd days, several Dr. trips on alternating days. Sigh....

Found this week on a pit stop after one of aforementioned Dr. visits with Trinity.  It reminded me of a Mentor Mom from our MOPS group, who would always say, "In our family we have a saying, 'It is what it is'. " And the advice behind it? Let go, and let God.
So far I am still on track (give or take a few days) with my Bible reading, the solidarity of the group has been a great focal point to guide us and see different thoughts on the verses we've read.  The bulk of the last week's reading has been in Mark. I was really struck by two thoughts so far. The first being a general notice of all the miracles, parables and travels that the disciples shared in the presence of Jesus and their general cluelessness of what was right in front of them. To the point that on occasion Jesus seems exasperated by their human perspective. Like when he walks on the water out to their boat and they freak out- even though he's already calmed a storm, performed great healings and fed 5000 out of 1 person's lunch. I think Jesus invented the forehead smack.
But would I have been any different? That's where it really leads my thoughts. Would I really have thought, Immanuel, God is with us? Would I have denied my Lord, like Peter? Betrayed him like Judas? Or anointed him when I had the chance, boldly and without care for what others thought like Mary of Bethany (actually named in John 12:2-3) Or still remain doubtful like Thomas, even after seeing. Would I still have the faith of things unseen if He was staring me in the face? I truly hope so. And it's comforting to know that we can take care of the "least of these" in his name.
The other stems from this thought that Jesus actually articulated in Mark 10:13-15, addressing the disciples concern of children being brought to him.

                  13 Some people were bringing little children to Him so He might touch them, 
but His disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw it, 
He was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me. 
Don’t stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 
15 I assure you: Whoever does not welcome the kingdom of God
 like a little child will never enter it.” 16 After taking them in His arms, 
He laid His hands on them and blessed them. (HCSB)

Is my faith the simple faith of a child? Do I still think of God with awe & wonder? And am I doing anything to my children to hinder their relationship with him? 
My sweet Trinity reading Habakkuk after covering a verse in Sunday School.
 (Her brothers would never do this.)
 But really, what 8 year old has the instinct to form context?

Lots of weighty thoughts with this reading, my friends. Ones that must be constantly turned over and reviewed and renewed. 

On less weighty issues... I attempted to take the kids to see the Lego movie last weekend with our AMC gift cards, but although we arrived early, they were sold out. I was not waiting 2 hours for the next showing so I gave the kids the option of seeing something else. They chose The Nut Job. Kids enjoyed it, I thought it was ok, certainly not at the top of my favorites. 

I am also one giant step closer to getting my kitchen changed out. A couple at church are in the midst of a remodel themselves & luckily their old counter tops are the exact set up I need with a trim here and there.  I am still looking for someone to help with cabinet installation since I feel that is one thing above the scope of my knowledge. Flooring still needs to be found, which is completely hinging on me filing my taxes (as is hiring installer if need be). But I am hoping God isn't finished with these details since everything else has come together so far. 

School is going smoothly, we've had our share of cancellations as well so we are not as far along as we should be. I had my first Criminal Justice test Thursday (46/50, which I thought was good since I didn't get to review the day of) and Criminal Behavior test coming on Tuesday, Counseling Psych test on Thursday. 

I've made exactly zero progress on: purging, movies, or anything else...think I have a valid excuse for my camping goal? I'm ready for summer! 

But....I've had an incredible 2 weeks with my All'asta business, All'asta by Eryn and I've been offered the opportunity to be a contributor to a single mom resource site!!!! So in addition to my rambling, first person, boring life I'll be writing some (hopefully) more insightful and worthy posts.  As a family we are looking at a major change very soon...more on that when it becomes definite.