The Army

The Army

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Break, Take #1

The last month has gone by so quickly, and there has a lot of good wrapped up in it.
I had been struggling with a huge decision with a relationship and finally came to a point of peace. I walked away, realizing that it was not the best for me or my kids. I didn't think I would ever be able to do that, even after some great input from a dear friend pointing many things out. I finally saw a glimpse of things that could be if I just let go and refused to settle. So I took a huge right turn and hopefully a little closer to that narrow path that God desires us all to walk. And it shouldn't amaze me when little things like this show up:
A timely card from MOPS Int. about next year's theme.
BE BRAVE. Well, thank you, I believe I will!

I spent several days cleaning out my room and moving furniture around. I have purged enough to have emptied one side of my double closet and as soon as I am able to bring up an item from the garage it will be my new "office". It will be so nice to have a dedicated place to write, do school work & keep my All'asta business organized. Another thing I did in all of this shuffling of things was to put a bookshelf in my room. I've forever been attacked by piles of books all over that would occasionally jump out and trip me in the dark.
Solved a problem & is a wonderful visual of how much I've been able to purge! 

I spent a Saturday at the All'asta Home Office for our Spring Jaunt, a day long training. It was so nice to really have a chance to talk with other consultants since I've kind of been down here in KY all by my lonesome, which I hope won't be for very much longer! Kerry Shea, the founder spent all day with us and did part of the training, along with several other members of the Home Office, most of whom are named Jennifer. We took a little time that morning creating a "Why" board (and yes, mine has GOATS, among other things) The Home Office had created 2 large boards as well and I loved the vision of those that support us.
Me, Kerry Shea & the Bike- which has just
become an All'asta "thing"
The Home Office boards, pure love for Consultants in pictures

Beautiful background posters
My "Why" board....represents my kids, dream of a goat farm,
helping others through missions & giving, and directly with
what can be accomplished through All'asta.

The kids and I have made it to the 1/2 point of the school year and the semester, respectively. Cruising with A's right now at Mid-term, though I seem to have more work over my Spring Break than I did leading up to it. I can't say enough how much I love my classes. I guess that is very indicative of heading in the right career direction. And the friends I've made this semester have truly been a God-send. I feel like a lot has shifted in a good way. Next month I'll be inducted in the Psi Chi Honor Society, which I'm is a proud moment for me since it's a reflection of my grades & work so far despite all that goes on outside of school.


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